CONTRIBUTOR: Routine Redesigned ’Til A Contract Is Signed

A trademark lawyer and partner emerita at a major firm shares her support for the Law360 Union’s ULP strike through the magic of poetry!

My morning routine? Oh, my system — unvaried
IP Law360 with coffee and toast

You know how it is when you’re busy and harried
You seize upon content that gives you the most

The writing is super, analysis keen
I am glad we subscribe — for the value I’m seein’

But wait! I am learning the plight of the writers
And editors too, they deserve decent pay

They’re marching with picket signs, strong union fighters
No contract from management on this fourth day!

To create a fine product we lawyers esteem —
Does management think you are fungible pros?

I’m on digital boycott with you and the team
PRO UNION for every day that the strike goes.

—Editing by Katie McNally.

Jane Shay Wald

Jane Shay Wald is a partner emeritus at Irell & Manella LLP, rhyming and boycotting in her individual capacity.

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